Monday, February 1, 2010

Free Tattoos - Sexy girl Tattoo Design

Sexy girl Tattoo Design

Two major thing that keeps people from getting tattoos is the funds. If you require a nice tattoo & you have a descent sized tattoo picked out that has a lot of detail in you. You are looking to pay some giant bucks to get the designed inked on you. However, there might be an answer to your prays. There is a tattoo parlor in Omaha that gives free tattoos all day. The tattoo parlor has completed this for nine years in a row & doesn't see any reason to stop. The shop considers it a customer appreciation day. & as you can imagine people start lining up the night before to ensure they have a nice spot in line & to make sure they will get their free tattoo.

in case you are wondering there is not a giant catch to this. In order to get a free tattoo you have gotten a tattoo from Liquid Bravery sometime within the last 12 months. & if you don't fit that bill than you can basically make a donation to a local animal shelter. Your donation can basically be a bag of dog food, some dog bowls, a dog bed or something of that nature. Either which a way you look at it those items cost less than a tattoo.

So if you live in Omaha & love tattoos be sure to mark this on your calendar for next year. & if you don't live in Omaha think about taking a road trip but recall to bring a donation with you.

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